
只算倫敦,與課程有關的Tate Modern、Tate Britain、Institute of Contemporary Art、Architectual Association;自己掏錢入場的Barbican、Saatchi Gallery、White Chapel、White Cube、Hayward、Craft Council、V & A、National Portrait Gallery、Serpertine、Royal Academy、Royal College of Art⋯⋯
一年下來,卻是今天在Tate Modern看瑞士建築二人組Herzog & de Meuron的展覽,最搖撼我心,足為這一年作結。接下來的一個月不能再看別的了,像與偶像握過手的狂迷不肯洗手一樣。
場地是Tate Modern的Turbine Hall——那道入口的大斜坡,正是H&deM建築所改建Tate Modern時的簽名手筆——三十五張桌子擺放了二十五年積存下來的模型、草圖、筆記和原模。由一塊試驗的小磚頭,到近十米高的模型,一件一件細看,留連了整個下午。
Herzog & de Meuron An Exhibition
/Tate Modern
1 Jun - 29 Aug 05
p.s. i enjoy reading your blog!
208: 鍾樂佳,謝謝。請多來坐。
209: 一豆,炸出來的是新象還是大毀滅,倒還是未知之數。不過有震動總比一池死水好而已。
208: 又,那本「象」,務請慢慢看;它短卻龐然,得消化。
208: 我們這邊廂看字小,不為意。給妳提起,也笑;
209: 象當運輸苦力,靠勞力混口飯(香蕉?)吃,還好;若是運輪,想起馬戲班裡的馬戲象,得強笑著踏輪子,更苦。象眼本有年輪,實在不適合強笑。
208: 一豆,收到妳的留言了。沒有問題。期待妳和各位的回應。
hi, i read but can't type in Chinese so i'll just leave my comment in English.........
the British seems to be quite a leader in comtempory art exhibition.......a few years back i'd a chance to work with a couple of curators from England while they're organising a major contempory art exhibition in Vancouver Canada.........that show stirred up a lot of controversy in the local art community because it's set up like an archive library and all the "artworks" sumitted by hundred of artists were put inside a paperbox.........same box size for everyone !!
i'm interested to know why it's such an impact on you ? is it because of the sheer size of the exhibition/installation ? or is it of what you read from the documentation which influences you on different level ?
if someone doesn't have any art training, will they also have the some reaction as you do ?
Time-bomb ? i think we all are wired with our own social and cultural imprint through education, career and the society we live in.........any idea, image, sound can trigger an explosion through our psychological imprinting.........
do write more about contempory art in your blog..........
208: Robson,話在前頭,我倆從未受過正統藝術訓練,不過是喜歡看,邊看邊學而已。遇有錯漏,歡迎各位狠批。
209: 這展覽於我們震撼,主要原因有三:1)該建築所在創作時的思考過程,剛好為我們現在還在摸索中的一個project提供了很好的進路;大量試驗階段的初模都陳列在那裡了,觀眾可以清楚追溯由構思到結果的路是怎樣走來的;
208: 2)該建築行對於鑽研建築物的ornament特別有興趣,多年來投放大量時間與資源去研究和實驗,(而且做得非常好!)剛好與我們正在思考的東西拉扯到關係;可想而知,如醍醐灌頂。
209: 3)該展覽並不單由美術館的curator主理,據知Herzog & de Meuron對自己的展覽一直親力親為。觀眾走進去是看得到的,因為展品旁邊的解說由第一身We出發,思考過程和處理問題時的情緒都可以從中看到;例如阿聯酋政府曾邀請他們設計回教寺,但該計劃後來爛尾(且收不到酬金),他們在模型旁邊把過程,不同文化之間的鴻溝,以及失敗的原因都寫下來了。怎能不看得津津有味?
208: 其實在倫敦也看過不少差的展覽。單從觀眾的角度出發,倫敦的美術館極為curator主導,(不知道美加是否如此)。辦得好的,curators會起一個有趣的主題,並貼題地把場內的展品串通起來,我們看,除了看小的(單件展品),也看到大的(展品不同時代的影響、創作時的社會風氣等);但不好看的,往往是curator太過主導了,介紹看起來像評語,(即是:教精你咯,要咁睇咁睇⋯⋯)規範了觀眾的思考。(看Tate Modern或Saatchi Gallery不時會有這樣的感覺)
209: 另外是倫敦實在太多美術館了,僧多粥少,見不少有趣的展題都沒有足夠的展品去支撐。覺得被騙之餘,也可惜。
hello 20/20.......
1) good you don't have traditional art training, they can be "unwanted baggages" in contemporary art study.........contemporary art is all about 'Concept & Idea'........no more painting, canvas or color theory..........
especially when you have lot of writing background and training..........that makes you a ready-made artist or curator.........
curators do lot of reading, research and writing, sound likr you're a perfect fit !?
2) how long is your master program study ? 2 years or 3 ?..........will you be interested in doing some contemporary artwork before graduation ?
3) does your study includes music as an art form ? ............i just read about YoYo Ma's "Silk Road Project"........he's studying how East /West music is interconnecting and music is giving a person identity on a deeper level !...........as you know contemporary art has a lot to do with gender, identity, body, artchitecture, social and political themes.........yeah, what about music ? are some of these art theorists missing out a big part of art history ?
4) "Everyone is an Artist" what do you think about this statement by Joseph Beauys ?
209: Robson,1) 依你說做curator得做“a lot of reading, research and writing”,聽起來就辛苦,免了。
208: 2) 課程是一年的,現在是尾聲。也打算做一點artwork,東西也是contemporary的吧,但又不算是contempoarary artwork……
209: 關於art and music之間的互通,據知Paul Klee和John Cage都是此範疇的大師;我們所知不多,有興趣可以找他們的書看。
208: Joseph Beauys說每個人都是藝術家,是說對了;卻隻口不提,不是每個人都可以是名利雙收的藝術家,如他。 (不過早前Tate Modern做了關於他的展覽,確是好看。請注意,是展品好看,不是展覽。)
just LEFT the CUP blog.....hope we're in the RIGHT place......
Ramsay yells and screams a lot because he's a demanding chef who holds hi standard for his creation......food is his artwork......and when you've someone else (other cooks) re-creating and cooking your artwork in a tight time frame (there maybe 40 to 50 dishes being cooked and served at the same time) there bound to be misses on presentation and quality........when this happens it'll affect your brand-name as a celebrity chef AND may end up losing a Michelin star !!!
no wonder Ramsay is yelling all the time......typical artistic temper but understandable........Ramsay is Artist on Fire !
DECONSTRUCT (post-post modern).......
Irag War......
London Bombing.......
Hurricane Kristina.....
total deconstruction of cities, people and family......
if you look from a skyview of these cities......especially the Hurricane site.......it looks very much like a "contemporary art exhibition".........not in museum, but in a 21 century city........a living exhibition of human conditions........a tragic one......
Cosmic drama......Karma at work ?.......Nature's own art show ?
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